• @redisdead
    04 months ago

    The hard evidence is Apple’s behaviour over the past 10+ years.

    • El Barto
      24 months ago

      Give me one link. One article. One piece of news. One report. Something other than you saying “just trust me, bro.” Anything, man. That’s all I’m asking.

      • @redisdead
        4 months ago

        Do you need hard evidence about the fact water is wet?

        Get your head out of the sand, move out of under your rock.

        I’m not going to discuss this any further. Apple’s lack of fucks about their customers has been well documented over the years.

        At this point you’d have to be genuinely trolling.

        • El Barto
          4 months ago

          Lol! Oh stop with the projection. Though this conversation is entertaining, I must admit.

          All you need to do is is give me one, one single link to shut me up. I’d even say “I stand corrected. I’m sorry, fellow commenter.” But for predictable reasons, you aren’t doing that.

          You remind me of that interview with Sarah Palin. “What newspaper do you read?”

          “All of them.”

          “Can you name one?”

          “All of them!”

          But sure. I’m the troll spreading claims without backing them up.

          • @redisdead
            -14 months ago

            Ok bro you’re right apple did nothing wrong

            • El Barto
              4 months ago

              This is very entertaining. Ok, I’ll keep going until you stop replying or I’ll get bored.

              I never said that Apple did nothing wrong. All I’m saying is, you say “Apple reads your data without your permission!!” and I say is “Really? Send me a news article to confirm this.”

              You haven’t done this - and I suspect you either don’t want to do it for the lulz, you are a bot that cannot search the internet or you’re too proud to do so.

              All you need to do is to give me one link. One single link. One tweet, even!! Then you shut me up. You can laugh at my face at my stupidity, call me an ignorant, a sheep, a moron. You can do that by posting juuuuuust one link backing up your claim.

              • @redisdead
                14 months ago

                I don’t need to post a single link to laugh at your stupidity, call you an ignorant sheep moron, I do that every time you reply to me asking if water is wet. I’m doing it right now, laughing at you as I type this comment.

                If in 2024 you need someone to spoonfeed you information that is basically all over the internet, maybe you are the bot that cannot search the internet.

                • El Barto
                  14 months ago

                  Lol! In 2024 you back up yoir claims or gtfo. Not the way around.

                  Please proceed, senator.

                  • @redisdead
                    14 months ago

                    Learning to do your research is the best skill you’ll ever develop

                    Getting your information spoonfed is a surefire way to get dumber (not that I believe it is possible for you) and fall for basic propaganda.