• @jordanlund
    159 months ago

    It looks good, but do we need this again?

    We had the live action movie and the motion comic, isn’t that enough?

    • SSTF
      9 months ago

      I’m not opposed to the concept, but it should bring something to the table.

      I was cautiously optimistic on the announcement, but this particular “CGI trying to look like classic animation” style just does nothing for me. Everything I’ve seen in this style is either so slavishly on-model that it’s soulless, or its scenes going into dedicated spectacle that feel overly produced. I miss the consistent effect of the effort of detailed hand animation. I think watchmen deserves it, and it would mesh with the story, but alas here we are.

      Aside from visual style, an adaption to a different medium is served well by having its own complimentary voice to the source material. It’s a tricky act, but that’s why people who make good adaptions are so talented.

      I hope this is good, but I figure it will be forgotten within 6 months of release.

      • @[email protected]
        49 months ago

        I completely agree. If you’re not doing something in the realm of Arcane or Spiderverse, don’t bother.

      • @FanciestPants
        39 months ago

        Reminds me of the “the medium is the message” phrase, and hope that the creators are going for something unique either to the story or the presentation, but the cynic in me thinks that they may just be doing this to set up a Doomsday Clock movie.

    • @Magister
      69 months ago

      The live action movie, especially director’s cut, is amazing! I loved the serie too.