I thought this would be a fun but useful post.

If you had one piece of advice for gardening, what would it be? Like that one thing your discovered or learned that to your results to the next level.

Mine: Mulch your fruit trees well. This will help retain moisture and also keep grass and weeds from popping up which could compete with the tree for nutrients.

  • @ThrowawaySobriquet
    59 months ago

    Small Consistent Effort

    You keep it small, you never have to worry about burnout. Spend 20 minutes weeding, then go on your day. You keep it consistent, you’ll never have to worry about shit getting too big on you. If you’re weeding your entire garden in a go, you’re working too hard. You might feel like you need to GET IT DONE RIGHT NOW, but that’s just your monkey brain going to panic mode.

    Relax. Do a little something every day and over time it’ll come together.

    Bonus: keeping up the effort in the off-season (doing bed prep, conjuring the spreadsheet devils) means less work in the swap-ass summer. Everything you do now pays dividends, and you can eat an elephant if you take it one bite at a time with occasional naps