• @someguy3
    19 months ago

    How the hell is Biden a counter argument? He had control of all three houses for 2 years and he got great things done. When Dems get control, they get great things done. Now that he doesn’t have the house of representatives, aid to Ukraine gets delayed, he has to do executive action for military alliance with Ukraine. He’s hamstrung and it’s limping along because he does not have the House of Representatives.

    The ACA only passed when Obama had control of all three and a supermajority. After that GOP was more than happy to block everything.

    • mozz
      29 months ago


      That’s actually a really good point

    • mozz
      29 months ago

      Also. Check this out; I never fully realized this:

      So, after the civil war it was pretty much all Republicans all the time (i.e. boo racism yay rich people), and then the whole country collapsed after a while, and they brought in FDR and started hating on the rich people and it became yay racism boo rich people Democrats all the time, and it wasn’t until the 1980s that it went to let’s do half and half, and spend all our time fighting each other.

      I don’t quite know what to make of it, but I had not realized before that it was like that.

      • @someguy3
        9 months ago

        Think of it this way: progress came to a grinding halt with Reagan and the GOP since then.

        • mozz
          19 months ago

          Yeah pretty much. And the years that kicked off with FDR and ended with Reagan were not exactly lacking in progress being made.

      • @KISSmyOSFeddit
        39 months ago

        Also, Democrats controlled both houses throughout the entire Vietnam War.