• mozz
    16 days ago

    Next you’re gonna tell me that engaging in rational explanations of the flaws in their viewpoint does not lead to a productive response

    • OptionalOP
      -316 days ago

      Look pal, I already explained how the imperialist pigdog state exploits colonial interests with teh GeNoSiDe?! You want me to blanket-characterize all armed conflict in United States of Imperial Genisode history too?!

      Fine. They were all puppeteered by telepathic lizards who force us to drink Coca cola because the nanochip bitcoin represses the workers of glorious freedoms.

      Which, frankly, should already have been obvious. It’s, like, so obvious omg.

      • OptionalOP
        115 days ago

        Welcome to all the tankies sweeping through days after the fact and downvoting everything. You’re so much more than bots.

        • OptionalOP
          016 days ago

          I just like it when he speaks plainly. In circular detatched pastiches of what a normal highly unqualified person might say if they were desperate to sell you a shit sandwich. So inspiring. Bigly.