I believe that I found these in Egypt, but I am not 100% sure. Some times I get lost looking for cool places and end up in random places!

  • @[email protected]
    48 months ago

    This is really fascinating, in Denmark a lot of the potatoes in the shops are all of a sudden coming from Egypt. Especially early in the season before any of the European potatoes are ready , and especially this year which is apperantly a bad potatoes harvest here (both too wet and too dry).

    These Egyptian potatoes are also very clean like they have been grown in desert sand. I’m wondering what they’re using as nutrient source , some of them claim to be organic so I guess no artificial fertilisers?

    Would this eventually turn the desert green again when these fields are abondend when pests and weeds take hold? I guess after they stop pumping water there might be a chance if there are enough stuff growing to hang onto some moisture form the air. ( more likely all the nutrients will be washed or blown away)

    • @cosmicrookieOPM
      38 months ago

      It indeed is interesting! I went back and took some pictures where they fields are not quite as visible. I don’t know if these are new fields, or abandoned.