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I’m a little stirred up and I don’t know why. It’s natural to watch that kind of stuff. But it somehow feels awkward now, being his child. I don’t know. Anybody got any, like, advice? On how to get over it? Dads? Children of dads?

Hey, at least it was labelled MILF and not young teenage girl.

  • @[email protected]
    146 months ago

    Just rearrange your life so you never have a quiet moment of reflection ever again.

    Get a shitty old car with no muffler. Break the windows and replace them with plastic. Turn on NPR at max volume and then never touch the dial again. Buy a pack of cigarettes and a lighter. Light one of the cigarettes and suck the smoke into your lungs. Repeat this until the cigarette’s burned away, the repeat that 20 times, then repeat that every day. Get in a feud with your neighbor and make sure it devolves into night time disco ball laser pointer milkdrop light show visualization battles one one another’s ceilings. If you don’t already live in an apartment with shitty blinds incapable of blocking line of sight to the outside, move to one immediately. Take your feuding neighbor with you.

    • d00phy
      36 months ago

      This is the way.