The rentier class (Michael Hudson) just sits back and collects. It’s not hard working and Responders worship the rich as the citizens are subjugated to idolize the Occupying Forces of Responders. But the rich never did care about the proles (Orwell).

  • LightscriptionOPM
    4 months ago

    Most treaties with the original owners (American Indians) were broken and ignored.

    Of course, the indigenous did not have the same ideas about “ownership,” preferring open prairies, for example, instead of fences. “We do not own the land, the land owns us.” Why do you possess it? Other causes external to yourself created it and sustain it. It all belongs to Sun-Water. Somehow, owners forget all the externalities and sudden break endless causal chains, contingencies and dependencies, and say they solely deserve it and it belongs exclusively to them.

    Then again, there were Europeans who thought “property is theft” and threw off feudalism. Why should the Lord own our labors and lands, they thought?

    Imagine if you or I turned the tables and had a Manifest Destiny today.

    Ownership is a strange concept. There was a commons when there was a King and Crown. Now there is supposed to be no King but there is no Commons, only Lords with dubious claim gained by trickery and inequity.