We should focus our actions, time, and resources on Direct Action, Mutual Aid, and Community Outreach. If you do engage in Electoral Politics do not support the Duopoly (Red or Blue Team). No War but Class War!

  • Sticky
    58 months ago
    1. Victim: Punched in the face, and has wallet stolen.
    2. Perpetrator: “Quit fighting back, and you can keep your I.D.”
    3. Victim: Fights back.
    4. You: “This proves the perpetrator’s intentions are pure, the victim should be happy to be able to keep his ID.”

    Shill. “No wAR bUT cLaSs WaR”. Jesus man, look at your post history. Ramping up the psy-ops, I see. Blocked, and I hope others have the good sense to do the same.

    There’s a crystal clear right way to go world wide to reduce the suffering from war, and it sure as shit isn’t voting for fascists, or tossing it away on Jill freaking Stein or idealists with no conceivable chance in hell of enacting your perfect policies.

    If I’ve made a mistake and you genuinely believe the trash you’re pushing, then take a tiny dose of reality, pull your head out of your ass, and realize you’re doing more harm than good.

    • @jimmydoreisaleftyOPM
      -28 months ago

      Careful with name calling, read rules, ‘civil’.

      Your situation used as an example does not apply.

      These are super poweres with oligarchs pulling the strings on each side.

      Self censhorship is your right, I am okay with seeing and talking to people that do not think or agree with my way of thinking.

      The duopoly have brought about fascists already, this is what the result of: voting the lesser of two evils, I would implore you to pay more close attention to the struggles of the working class.

      I do not blame you for falling for the status quo and propaganda of the US, we are all born into it.

      Do not forget to be critical and questions those with power and influence, the status quo is really good at diving the working class.

      I hope we can both continue to learn and talk with people we do not agree with or think like, even when it comes to politics!