When H5N1 avian influenza started spreading among dairy cattle across the U.S. this year, regulators warned against consuming unpasteurized milk. What happened? Raw milk sales went up.

Distributors of this unsafe-for-human-consumption product deny H5N1—which has the potential to sicken millions of people—is a danger. Dairy farmers decline to allow disease detectives onto their properties.

  • @[email protected]
    9 months ago

    The way they’re usually set up here in the Nordics where they’re pretty common is that the tap feeds into that sprayer, meaning that I have to open my tap and then set it to whatever water temperature I want, and then when I… err, pull the trigger on the sprayer the water flows from the sprayer and not the tap.

    • @disguy_ovahea
      9 months ago

      That sounds nice. I wish they were standard in the US. Does it just connect to the faucet or does a line run into the sink cabinet?

      • @[email protected]
        9 months ago

        I have zero idea what the terminology is in English, but it’s connected to what translates to something like an “ejector line” that’s either built into the faucet or purchasable as a separate adapter. Here’s a diagram I found for Oras Bidetta as an example:

        Here’s what it looks like under my sink (sorry about the awkward angle, didn’t want to remove a shelf so I had to shoot blind)

        With the line on the left being the one for the hand shower, and it just connects into the faucet via a built in ejector thingamajig.

        • @disguy_ovahea
          9 months ago

          Yes! I’ve seen those. I’m very envious. As a renter, I’m not allowed to cut the necessary hole in the sink cabinet to access the warm water line, since it’s not exposed like yours. If I owned my home, you can be sure I’d install one before I started painting. Lol

          Thank you for taking the time to find and take the photos!

          • @[email protected]
            69 months ago

            No problem! I figured it’s easier to show a diagram and a picture than try to explain it when my plumbing terminology is shaky enough even in Finnish, let alone English 😅

            • @disguy_ovahea
              39 months ago

              That’s fair. I can assure you that your English is far better than my Finnish. The only words I know are salmiakki and pulla. Although I can say that 100% of the words I know are delicious. LMAO