What was everyone’s first book set in the Cosmere? I started with The Way of Kings shortly after it was released, but immediately gobbled up everything else.

  • @HopeKiller
    22 years ago

    Yep, I misspoke as I view Cosmere and Mistborn as separate even though I know they are all connected. I haven’t read anything past the Mistborn books so I have very limited understanding of things beyond those books so it’s hard to wrap my head around the concept which is why I mentally view them as separate things. After this re-read I’m going to to fully dive into the Cosmere and I recall Way of the King as the best introduction to the larger scope of his fantasy world.

    • Sparky678348
      2 years ago

      I’m excited for your journey, enjoy.

      I personally recommend Warbreaker before Way of Kings. Because having Warbreaker under your belt before Stormlight 2 will definitely enable you to enjoy the story more, and you won’t want to stop to read it after Way of Kings

      • @HopeKiller
        22 years ago

        Thank you! Warbreaker it is then! I’ll start with Warbreaker then Way of the King. I’m also excited as well! I forgot how much I loved the Mistborn books, so I can’t wait to start his other works.