If anyone has any good tips on beating the midges, please share them!

I got absolutely devoured this weekend up by Loch Latrine (edit: Katrine) (completely forgot it was midge season, so I was unprepared).

  • Hossenfeffer
    179 months ago

    In the company of my family, I can only find some small comfort in the evident fact that I protect them by being so fucking delicious that the little flying bastards are gagging for a piece of me and so ignore them. And no, I am not prepared to be a ritual sacrifice for you and yours as well. Fuck, I hate the midges.

    • @AlpacaChariotOP
      69 months ago

      I’ve been reading up on them and apparently the females bite to feed on blood in order to mature their eggs, which they can lay & hatch in 24h…so if you’re in one place for more than a day it may actually get progressively worse.

      “I was a hossenfeffer biter, like my mother, and my mother’s mother, and my mother’s mother’s mother…”