Please forgive my wack ass microscope

  • @Dasus
    06 months ago

    I grow photoperiods but live very far north. Light leaks should by your logic herm cannabis for me, because it’s “so unstable”.

    But they don’t. Not even when I’m nowadays a rather lazy grower and they’re definitely stressed, and often.

    Hell, rn I’ve a revegged plant in flower, it survived accidentally (forgot one bud on it), it’s roots we’re entirely rotted, etc etc, and it still hasn’t hermed.

    Not to mention it’s from a feminised seed. If you have problems with cannabis herming, then it’s most likely that you just have shitty seeds. Order some regular seeds and sex them yourself and they definitely won’t be nearly as “unstable” as feminised seeds. (In quotes because a majority of them aren’t.)

    I’ve grown for ~15-17 years.