Link to the site

The map contains exact locations of homocides from the 2000s to now. You can zoom in far enough to see the neighborhood the murder(s) happened in. I’m sorry that the site is primarily in Norwegian, but you should still be able to zoom around. Wonder of there’s a global map that’s that detailed.

  • [object Object]OP
    58 months ago

    When you’re logged out, you can only access data on antisocial people, like logged out of society.

    Love the accidental metaphor

    • IndiBrony
      8 months ago

      I’m already signed up as I’m house hunting and I tried this to get a vague idea of where to move to.

      This is what it looks like for England/Wales

      No statistics for Manchester, though. I haven’t looked into why that’s a thing.


      A small section of Central London. It only tells you the rate vs the national average. The red in the population box at the top showing that crime here is more than 3x the national average (it doesn’t show any higher figures)