

$photoortexteditoryoulike $(find / -iname incompletefilenam*)


exec $(find / -iname incompletepackagenam*)

Interacting (copying, moving, etc);

$desiredinteraction $(find / -iname desiredfileorpackag*) /desired/output/directory

It may be a “not-so-attractive” tip for most of you, but I find it really useful when I want to edit a specific file (that is located alongside several ones, like a picture or a text file). Or when I’ve finished compiling something and I want to find the binary file asap. Saves me lots of time on really slow pcs (like a rpi zero).

  • Evans
    138 months ago

    Why not use bash-completion? The running example you gave is dangerous - you could end up running one or more of the wrong executables.