• TexasDrunk
    9 months ago

    All teachers aren’t bastards because that’s not a flaw in the teaching system and they’re going to jail when they do shit like that.

    The corporations behind hospitals and our medical system are entirely bastards. Doctors are sometimes bastards but they’re not in charge of policing each other.

    I can’t speak to the military these days because I’ve been out for a while. But yeah, there was definitely a time when a whole bunch of shit went down and they were protecting wrongdoers instead of turning them over to the authorities.

    However, cops have a duty to arrest fellow cops when they do illegal shit. Teachers can’t arrest teachers. Doctors can’t arrest other doctors.

    Instead what has happened time and time again is that they shield fellow officers. Want to kill black folks, rape kids, beat your wife, and strong arm motorists into sucking your weiner? Be a cop. The whole department will hide your crimes. Civilians are the enemy. IA is the enemy. If you do get caught and it makes the news you get paid vacation. If it’s too bad you go get the same job in the next town over once the press blows over. But don’t be a good cop because you’ll be stuck in the basement doing paperwork and given the most shit assignments they have.

    ACAB, and there’s something on your nose. Is that shoe polish or were you all the way up in their intestines? I conclude that since you enable that shit that you’re a bastard.

    • LaLuzDelSol
      9 months ago

      Thanks for your analysis, king. Do you think perhaps any of the 800,000 police officers in the united states might have joined for humanitarian reasons, i.e. to protect their community and stop criminals? Maybe just a couple?

      Also morally I maintain that their is no difference between a doctor or engineer not turning in a coworker and a police officer doing the same. Teachers and doctors can’t arrest each other but they can absolutely get each other arrested. The rest is just semantics.