Cross cultural misunderstandings can be hilarious

    • @hydrospanner
      69 months ago

      Because of the American football maneuver, you’ll also hear Americans using the term “punt” in other contexts as well, frequently in a business setting.

      Because a punt in football is effectively saying, “Achieving success in the short term is impossible, impractical, or just too much of a hassle…so we’re going to forget pursuing it for now and we’ll try to score again later.”… you often hear things in a meeting at work where maybe there’s some sort of an opportunity that for whatever reason, the team or company isn’t ideally positioned to take advantage of, so they’ll say, “Ehhh, let’s punt on that issue.”

      • lilpatchy2eyes
        29 months ago

        We also use it in gaming to say you made a silly mistake that costed you the victory.