“The building has been vacant since the late 1980s when the Hotel Marysville closed. Since 1992, the property has had five different owners, but none were able to do anything with it, the Marysville city manager told CBS13 in 2015.”
Vacant for almost 40 years, selling for less than a million because of all the work needed… sounds like an insurance fire to me…
Sad… but…
“The building has been vacant since the late 1980s when the Hotel Marysville closed. Since 1992, the property has had five different owners, but none were able to do anything with it, the Marysville city manager told CBS13 in 2015.”
Vacant for almost 40 years, selling for less than a million because of all the work needed… sounds like an insurance fire to me…
Hopefully they use that money to built affordable housing on that land!
… not holding my breath.