Analysis of why and how humanoid robots will displace human physical labour.

  • @faltryka
    811 days ago

    This author is astonishingly optimistic. All this talk about how this is going to benefit everyone glossing over the fact that the benefits will be wrought by a few at the expense of the many.

    Then at the very end they include lip service warning about that reality.

    • AwkwardLookMonkeyPuppet
      11 days ago

      ALL of the money, and ALL of the resources are going to end up in the hands of like 5 people. The rest of us will be left fighting over garbage to eat. Unlike previous points in history with massively consolidated resources, there won’t even be a military class that fares better than the downtrodden, since they won’t need people to protect them. There definitely won’t be lesser nobles, since they won’t need those either.