Basically, title

  • @graymess
    249 months ago

    This is probably one of the more active communities I’m in, actually. Lemmy’s just not that big, I guess? And that’s fine with me. I don’t need an endless scroll of posts daily. I catch up on my subscribed pages within 20 minutes each day. But if someone wants to encourage more conversation I’m all for it.

    As for what I’m playing this month, I just got a used Steam Deck and that’s dramatically opened up opportunities for me to play through my PC games that I haven’t gotten around to. Started Psychonauts 2 and I’m pretty impressed with how little Double Fine had to change since 2005. It feels like 20 years just never happened and it’s so far a very natural progression of the first game. Having a great time with it.

    • @Zahille7
      69 months ago

      Coming into Psychonauts 2 straight off the first one was honestly great. The story beats didn’t miss a single hitch, the reintroduction of Raz’s powers was perfect, and I loved the new characters.

      • @graymess
        49 months ago

        I re-played the first a few years back and it’s one of the very few games I’ve 100%'d. Despite the years long gap since my last time playing, it still felt like I just jumped back into the world. So far I’m liking the new characters, but I do miss the original cast of camp kids.

        I will say the constant references to the in-between VR exclusive game is frustrating. That feels like a crucial bit of story being dangled over my head that I know I’m never going to see because a VR headset is just not in the cards for me for at least the next few years. Maybe I just need to watch a Let’s Play.

        • @Zahille7
          29 months ago

          That’s what I did for RoR (Rhombus of Ruin). There’s also the recap video at the beginning of 2.

          But I’ve played the first so many times through my life I honestly don’t even know what the count is at. It’s had a massive impact on how I view everything.

    • @B0NK3RS
      29 months ago

      Psychonauts 2 is amazing. I had a really good time playing it and my kids were completely engrossed in it by my side.