• @Maggoty
    5011 days ago

    Conservatives forget that they aren’t the only ones that applies to. They think all the people they want to hurt are just going to lay down and let it happen despite violent histories of all stripes among those demographics.

    • @[email protected]
      1111 days ago

      Sorta like how the Black Panthers and Malcom X advocated Black people arming themselves or Leftist militias, they (the Right) think we’ll just cower in fear when they decide to come for us. I’m 100% for non-violence, but if you come after me I will defend myself.

      • @BigPotato
        311 days ago

        I’m about 75% for violence because I’m a lunatic who would always knock down the 300s in any weather but I’m 25% against it because my dumb ass misses the 50s sometimes and I know Urban ops are in that range.

        Also because war is absolute hell on the best days and something I hope I never need to show any proficiency in again.

        • @Maggoty
          010 days ago

          I’m the opposite with a rifle, but a goddamn surgeon with a 240B. And yeah I too hope to never need that skillset again. If I’m on a gun again though then something has gone horribly wrong and somebody should send help.

    • @[email protected]
      110 days ago

      They think no leftists are into guns because leftists have other things going on other than making “guns” their entire personality.

      • @Maggoty
        010 days ago

        I know some leftists who fit the ammosexual definition. The right just ignores their existence though.