Getting ready to change out the greens and garlic for cabbages and beets.

  • NataliePortlandOP
    29 months ago

    I might. I want to get good at growing in the ground before I do raised beds. So that I can better appreciate and utilize them.

    • @HoustonHenry
      19 months ago

      I put them in for my parents, they really appreciated not having to stoop all the way to the ground to get in close- even got my mom one of those rolling seats for the yard 😁 has a little tray underneath for her trowel and whatnot, big knobby tires to go over twigs and stuff easily. It also makes it fun for the grandkids to help out 🤙🤙

      We just got some night-blooming jasmine last week, that’s going straight into the ground outside her bedroom windows…she had NO patience for a raised bed 😂 that’s her favorite plant, I believe, had to get it planted RIGHT AWAY!