I’d really love to start making something, even if it’s basic. Any tips on where to start? Tools, wood, etc?

  • @[email protected]
    47 months ago

    So that if one works it’s way out it doesn’t fall onto your freshly spread glue or bounce into a spinning saw blade.

    • @[email protected]
      7 months ago

      This might be true, although I do it mostly so I can remove the earplugs and rest them around my neck if someone needs to talk to me.

      The best PPE are the ones which have the fewest barriers toward using. Even the minor annoyance of having to set down untethered earplugs is best avoided, if it acts as a subconscious disincentive towards using PPE. Good safety policy adapts and accommodates this aspect of human behavior.

      In a home workshop, there is no OSHA, so I’m fully responsible for my own safety protocols.