Sometimes on Lemmy these seem like the only jobs that actually exist, but I’m sure there’s a lot of people here with different and unusual lines of work.

  • @essell
    9 months ago

    I’m up for that!

    I doubt I could get to know you the way a supervisor would, doesn’t mean it wouldn’t be worthwhile for both of us.

    Talking with colleagues is always a joy. I’m leaving today for a long weekend, hanging out with a dozen counsellors for a person centred encounter group.

    Hopefully very restful being in an environment saturated in the core conditions 😁

    • @[email protected]
      28 months ago

      I love that idea too! We just gotta create a space for it, I guess. Boy do I have things to say… my facility’s CEO took his life this weekend and it’s been a mad scramble. Only in In-patient!