• Dyskolos
      19 months ago

      Maybe the billionaires running this planet? Who all just have the best of our future at heart

      • @TokenBoomer
        9 months ago

        The police were not created to protect and serve the population. They were not created to stop crime, at least not as most people understand it. And they were certainly not created to promote justice. They were created to protect the new form of wage-labor capitalism that emerged in the mid- to late-19th century from the threat posed by that system’s offspring, the working class. source

        Criminological data has told us for decades that police are irrelevant for public safety. Other data tells us a lot about what does influence safety. British researchers Richard Wilkinson and Kate Pickett in their classic 2009 book The Spirit Level show that a large number of social problems, including violence, correlate strongly with inequality. Their work also shows different options for achieving equality: high wages by private employers (as in Japan) or high taxes and redistribution (as in Northern Europe). In the United States, every option for increased equality has been blocked by the wealthy who have—as Martin Gilens and Benjamin Page make clear in their important 2014 study—captured politics. source

        • Dyskolos
          18 months ago

          That might be true for the US, as they’re a shitty capitalist hellhole. Here we have nearly zero incidents, extremely low level of gun-usage and they’re not just capital-protectors. They’re helpers in all kind, even as a taxi if need be. E.g. Who’d you gonna call if your SO beats you or just won’t leave your house? Or anything else where someone stronger (or better armed) than you threatens you in some way? Popo is here in 5m tops. Remember that noone has guns here and we’re not at liberty to shoot intruders even if we had guns.

          While i don’t argue about inequality mostly being the reason for violence/whatever, the cops aren’t the enemy. As said in another comment, they’re just doing their shitty job. As kids we see them as heroes (not fear them like in the US), so many just become cops as a kids-dream, not even thinking about if that’s a good thing. I’d argue that a banking-employee or basically any other employee that works for a billionaire, are the real enemy and evil. Who cares about the lowest end in the chain aka coos? I don’t.

          • @TokenBoomer
            18 months ago

            If a majority of your population decided to overthrow your government, who would the police side with? That’s your answer.

            If the police would side with the average citizen, then your society is egalitarian. But, if your police would side with the government and billionaires, then it is authoritarian.

            • Dyskolos
              18 months ago

              Because… It’s their job? Protecting everyone from unlawful blahblah? Overthrowing a gov is kinda the epitome of “unlawful”. No wonders here. Also they’d probably do shit and the army rolls out in such a case, but…

              Especially the muricans hate cops so much but love their military. People being paid to murder other people “for protection”. Where are the AMAB instead of ACAB?

              Anyhow, and your take on your statement is, that cops are the evil then? Where’s the importance of the lowest of enemies that are literally in the same boat as the regular working joe that cries ACAB? Or is it just acceptance that one couldn’t change a thing but hating cops is graspable and tangible?

              • @TokenBoomer
                18 months ago

                This is specific to the United States, but it will also apply as fascism rises in Europe.

                • Dyskolos
                  8 months ago

                  I see you avoid answering things, so I don’t even watch this. But for the point of the argument again: Rising fascism in europe is connected to the fucking cops HOW?! Why the effing f should I care about the enforcers of a system that wants to fuck me raw and not the owners of this system? Serves my point somehow, doesn’t it?

                  • @TokenBoomer
                    18 months ago

                    When fascism comes to Europe, and the fascists are elected to office, and they legislate laws that are contradictory to the public, who will enforce those fascist laws enacted by the state?

                    The police.

                    When the fascists make laws against protesting, against workers striking, how does the state enforce these laws?

                    The police.

                    Understand the police are an extension of the state (the government). As the state becomes more fascist, police are employed to enforce this fascism.