• @Taco2112
    128 months ago

    I like it. I think the drillevator missions are a change from the other mission types. Looking for the crystals is kind of annoying, but it always seems to cause the team to separate and that can lead to more danger. I think the drillevator phase should have more bugs that can attack from a distance to make it more intense, that part always seems to be pretty easy except for the very first time when we didn’t have enough enough ammo. I like the Core stone event and the unique enemy types. It feels like the Ommeran Heartstone missions are tougher on haz 5, not a complaint, I just don’t totally understand the phase where it turns red and small bubbles of stone pop up. I like that you can play previous seasons, I only started at the beginning of last season. I haven’t gotten to play around with the new overclocks yet. Overall I can’t really complain.

    • Linkyu
      88 months ago

      The new ommoran phase is as follow:

      The stone will target a random dwarf and encase them in a prison if they’re standing still, reducing the team’s dps for a bit. It also does heavy damage to the drilldozer if the dwarf is standing on it when it happens. This is to discourage camping on the drilldozer.

      That’s all there is to it.

      • @Taco2112
        68 months ago

        I didn’t think there was much to it but I didn’t understand how it attacks Dotty, that makes a lot more sense. That’s also why I mentioned it, because I figured someone would be able to explain it. Thanks!!