Directed by Ridley Scott from a screenplay by David Scarpa, “Napoleon” stars Joaquin Phoenix as the French emperor and military leader. The film is an original and personal look at Napoleon’s origins and his swift, ruthless climb to emperor, viewed through the prism of his addictive and often volatile relationship with his wife and one true love, Josephine, played by Vanessa Kirby. The film captures Napoleon’s famous battles, relentless ambition and astounding strategic mind as an extraordinary military leader and war visionary.

  • maegul (he/they)
    42 years ago

    So didn’t Spielberg just recently announce that he was making Kubrick’s Napoleon himself? Is that project cursed to be scooped again?!

    Otherwise, looks good! Joaquin Phoenix works quite well here!!

    • Ansgar
      62 years ago

      It’s an HBO Mini-Series, directed by Cary Fukunaga and produced by Steven Spielberg