I mean on a technical level. Are the devices that make up the infrastructure of the internet hardwired with IPv4? Is the firmware on these devices impossible to upgrade remotely?

If it’s just a matter of software or firmware then adoption should only take like a year but clearly that isn’t the case. So what specifically is stopping us?

  • Prison Mike
    29 months ago

    Ugh, my job requires us to use their VPN but all IPv6 traffic leaks out of the tunnel because they can’t be bothered to at least blackhole it. I feel like I’m living in 1995 at work.

    • slazer2au
      29 months ago

      Same, we started having issues recently when MS enabled IPv6 on their login page. Now some users who are connected to the VPN aren’t able to login because the login request is not coming from a trusted ipv4 address in conditional access .