The United States is expected to lift its hold on the shipment of ammunition and weapons designated for the IDF, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Office said on Tuesday, just one day after the Israeli leader accused the Biden administration of preventing the delivery of those arms.

“US Ambassador to Israel Jack Lew told Prime Minister Netanyahu yesterday that the ammunition and weapons that the PM referred to are in the process of being delivered to Israel,” the PMO wrote in an English language post on X.

  • @Burn_The_Right
    3 months ago

    …supporting Israel gives the US a stronghold in the middle east…

    This is a common misunderstanding. The U.S. gains absolutely no localized advantages in maintaining a relationship with Israel. We have no unique military positions or irreplacable business relationships with Israel. None. If anything, our support of Israel strains our much more profitable relationships with their muslim neighbors in the region.

    The reason we are married to Israel is AIPAC money. AIPAC will shift support from Biden to Trump the very moment Biden stops supporting Israel or its genocide. AIPAC money is diverse and global. They are kingmakers right now. The game Biden is playing is related to AIPAC and their allies.

    • rand_alpha19
      53 months ago

      I’m not suggesting that this is the sole reason, but have you considered the possibility that the US supports Israel in part because it is a white-majority nation of largely European ancestry among Arab states? Especially considering the circumstances that led to its creation. I am more and more convinced lately that this plays a part, though it may be small.

      However, what you mention is clearly happening too. It’s likely a variety of factors, but I would agree that money is a big motivator. AIPAC is certainly able to achieve a high level of autonomy, so that would point to it having tacit endorsement/approval from the US political establishment and that’s more than likely from legalized bribes.

      • @Burn_The_Right
        33 months ago

        Agreed. However, I think being highly motivated by ethnic or religious ideology is a bigger factor on the far-right, whereas money is the primary motivator for the neo-liberal Dems like Biden. There may be a little ideology at play for Biden, but ideology-driven foreign policy seems more likely from a GOP politician. Of course, I think money talks loudest for both camps.

        We need a viable progressive party.

        • @[email protected]
          03 months ago

          It’d be great to have a progressive party but in reality all that would do is ensure republikkklowns getting all the seats. Not a single one of them will vote progressive, all it will do is divide the votes going to the democrats.