The title doesn’t even cover the half of it.

Basically, I got really sick with the flu for a bit. I couldn’t leave my bed. I called up my father and asked him to pick up dog food for me, even texted him a photo of the right one to buy… and he bought the wrong one. I can’t return it because he already opened it up and poured a bowl for my dog. My boy is a picky eater so he wouldn’t touch it.

When I got the right food though, he wouldn’t eat that either, or at least not as enthusiastically as he used to. At first for a few days he’d eat it but wouldn’t finish the bowl. Then a few days ago he just stopped eating it entirely. I was shocked because he’s been on the same kibble for around two years now and we’ve never had any issues with that. He would still eat his treats that I give him for practicing tricks and the chews I give him, it was just the kibble he refused.

I called up my vet for advice and she recommended trying the 20 minute rule, which is putting the food down for 20 minutes, ignoring him to give him a chance to eat, and if he doesn’t then remove the food and try again a few hours later. Obviously this is done without giving him any other food so I stopped giving him the treats and chews as well. I followed those directions and he wouldn’t eat for the whole day. I was hopeful he would be hungry enough the next day that he would eat it, but he still refused it. By this point my dog has been visibly losing weight and obviously it is very concerning.

Yesterday it was suggested I try putting a topper on the kibble. I tried putting some of his treats on there first and he happily gobbled up the treats, but then spit out any kibble on the floor. Then I tried an egg because I thought it might soak into the food and entice him more. He licked up the egg on top and, again, spit out the kibble. I tried some raw food from the pet store as a topper (he was on a raw food diet in the past but had to be switched off because I simply couldn’t afford it), but he wouldn’t touch it.

Finally today feeling distraught, I bought some new food for him. I know that dogs shouldn’t be abruptly switched to a new diet but I was desperate. To my absolute joy, he gobbled it up as happy as can be!

…Then he promptly threw it up. I don’t think it’s because he’s sick because he had no stomach upset from the egg or treats. I believe it’s either because it’s a new food or because I should have given him a smaller portion to get him used to it. But I could be wrong about that so I’m open to other ideas!

Please, if anyone has any advice, I am really freaking out. I understand pet advice is sensitive to a lot of people but I’m asking because I genuinely love and care about my dog with all my heart. If that wasn’t the case, I wouldn’t be asking in the first place. I need my little guy to be happy and healthy - that’s all I want.

  • @NegativeInf
    69 months ago

    Two things from my non-vet but dealt with a picky dog perspective.

    First, he could just have thrown up because he ate far too fast after having been essentially starving himself or only eating treats, so his body just kinda rejected it due to the amount or speed he ate.

    Second, barring the first, he may be otherwise sick in some non obvious way, anything from a tooth that the food chewing hurts to something more serious.

    Personally, I would see if he throws up again when feeding him a smaller portion or if he is one of those fast eating dogs that scarf it all down, perhaps one of the bowls that slows the feeding process.

    Some questions that may inform other comments with better responses:

    How old is your dog?

    I am assuming male based on your post. Fixed?

    Has he ever been sick with anything before?


    Any other symptoms you may have dismissed in your concern for his eating?

    I hope your little buddy feels better!

    • @nuiphOP
      39 months ago

      Thank you so much for your thorough reply! I was thinking that as well, that he may have gotten too much food in too fast after such a long wait. I’ll try feeding him a smaller amount next time and see if his stomach tolerates that better. He’s a fast eater at the best of times and has had multiple occasions where he’s drank his water too fast and then barfed a bit up; normally I wouldn’t think too much of it but combined with all the other stress it got me really anxious.

      As for the questions:

      He’s 5 years old Male, neutered

      In the past he’s had a lot of skin issues (he’s a hairless) but that was fixed up a couple months ago after a couple visits and some antibiotics; he’s got some autoimmune issues it seems, because the bacteria on his skin that normally would be at a normal level was basically multiplying rapidly and causing itchiness. Fortunately ever since the course of antibiotics he hasn’t had any more problems there!

      I haven’t noticed any other symptoms going on. He still enjoys play and walks, and is drinking the same amount of water as he used to. Not sleepy or lethargic. Excited to see his favorite people. Overall the only issues I’ve observed have been the lack of eating and the weight loss as a result of that.

      • @NegativeInf
        29 months ago

        Very welcome! I would say the speed is the probable culprit, but would monitor it just to make sure it isn’t a dysbiosis or an allergy to the food.

        My friend’s dog was allergic to chicken in its dogfood causing all kinds of skin and stomach issues.