If you ever wanted to read about fake druids vs. environmental activists, now’s your chance.

  • @kaffiene
    19 months ago

    1, BS. 2, The history of change is full of people who pissed off a lot of other people. Change never happens from asking politely and being meek

    • @Melvin_Ferd
      19 months ago

      survivor basis on that. And really how much change do we have here? Aren’t we still fighting all the same issues for decades? Maybe time to face the truth

      • @kaffiene
        19 months ago

        It’s not surivor bias. Unsuccessful protestors weren’t all killed. And no, we’re not fighting all the same issues: gay rights, woman’s rights, workers rights, racial equality have all made huge strides over the years and protests have led those changes. That’s the truth that you need to face. Read up on the civil rights movement for a good example, or emancipation for women.