“Right-wing billionaires hoped an obscure legal case would blow up the tax code to avoid paying what they owe, but this effort failed,” said the Democratic senator after the **Moore v. United States decision.

  • @hibsen
    37 months ago

    You have no idea what happened. No one who isn’t Sanders or Warren knows what was said in that meeting, and I frankly doubt either of them remembers it either. There’s a reason eye-witness testimony is some of the most inaccurate evidence out there regardless of how sure you feel about it.

    There is no proof in one person saying something happened and another saying it didn’t. You have no evidence that she lied about anything. Frankly it’s astounding how sure you feel about things no one has any evidence for, least of all you.

    The only thing you seem to have is a completely warped view of her legislative history, but I don’t think I can get you to see reality. Good luck out there.

    • @retrospectology
      -37 months ago

      And I suppose there’s nothing I can do to make you understand that she was the lynch pin in ensuring progressives lost the 2020 primary using the same neoliberal playbook they implement every primary. Good luck out there.