In a stunning move Friday afternoon, the Ministry of Infrastructure is to announce the iconic building designed will no longer be structurally sound within a few months.
“Ontario’s auditor general said in December that “deferred maintenance projects that were at risk of critical failure have been repeatedly denied funding” at the science centre, including 42 such project since 2017, the year before the Ford government took power.”
What a weird way to talk about the lack of funding as it relates to the government. So the 42 started the year before Ford’s government took power. How many were before that? The way it’s worded, it could be 1 of the 42 or up to 41 of the 42.
“Ontario’s auditor general said in December that “deferred maintenance projects that were at risk of critical failure have been repeatedly denied funding” at the science centre, including 42 such project since 2017, the year before the Ford government took power.”
What a weird way to talk about the lack of funding as it relates to the government. So the 42 started the year before Ford’s government took power. How many were before that? The way it’s worded, it could be 1 of the 42 or up to 41 of the 42.