• @someguy3
    3 months ago

    Take that one however far center or right you want to, the point is that’s what he had to do to find votes (after successive Dem losses).

      • @someguy3
        03 months ago

        At the end of the day, votes is what wins elections. He had to go to the center (or as the other guy thinks, the right) to find votes.

        • @[email protected]
          3 months ago

          To find funding from oligarchs for campaigning in order to get votes.

          Nothing has a single cause and condition.

          Another way to look at it is that Clinton sold out. A third is that he was being pragmatic.

          Either way moving to the center didn’t win him votes with centrist voters as much as it allowed him to campaign effectively against an incumbent that was heavily backed by corporate finances.

          It wasn’t being centrist that won over voters in other words. It was being cenrist that won over oligarchs.

          • @someguy3
            03 months ago

            We’re going to have to disagree.

            I think it was to find voters. At the end of the election they count votes, not donations. If all these left wing voters people that I see on this platform were to actually vote, then wow that would have an effect. But instead they think protest 3rd party or protest no-voting works, when it doesn’t. All these supposed informed, logical voters people that are just waiting in the wind for that left platform and then they’ll vote. Donations don’t sway these people, they want the big left platform, which won’t appear because they don’t show up and vote.

            So what can voters do? Vote for the dems. If you want things to go left, then vote and give dems consistent and overwhelming victories.

            • @[email protected]
              23 months ago

              I mean I’m voting for Biden Don’t get me wrong. And I think protest voting is a petty act of rebellion that doesn’t really help.

              But I also think acting like your entitled to votes rather than needing to spend effort turning out your base, is also a wrong view.

              I guess I’m saying both Hillary and protest voters caused what happened in 2016. As well as the DNC betting on an establishment candidate when the pulse of the country was obviously sick of that shit.

              • @someguy3
                3 months ago

                Entitled? They try to move a little bit left and they fucking lose. They aren’t going to go further left lol. What’s that definition of insanity? Doing the same thing and expecting different results lol. In this case it’s doubling down and expecting different results - not going to happen. They’re going to go to the center to get those votes.