I saw an article about them attacking Lebanon now. So, where will it stop? Have the Israeli government ever spoken about this?

    • @Carrolade
      28 months ago

      Extremely complicated, certainly. But I hope my point that the apartheid claim, very specifically, is pretty hard to argue with comes through. It does not refer to any Israeli citizens, that’s a separate topic. It is not strictly hamas propaganda, it’s just a criticism of one part of a very complicated and difficult situation. The line that it is propaganda is actually itself, propaganda.

      The only way to make it untrue was if Palestinians had full legal control over the West Bank, which they do not. Gaza is a murkier situation. It’s really about the West Bank though, not hamas or Gaza.

        • @Carrolade
          38 months ago

          The only issue with that is Israel’s wish to remain a Jewish state. If they added all of those Palestinians as free and equal citizens, then that would shift the demographics of Israel sufficiently to put that at risk. So, they have to choose between values of freedom and equality, vs being a Jewish state, vs giving up that land.

          Or they could attempt to remove all the people somehow.

          No easy solutions, unfortunately. As usual for the Middle East.

            • @Carrolade
              28 months ago

              I do agree that terrorism is a problem that needs to be dealt with. The problem is when innocents get caught up in the middle. If you just call a whole people or whole religion terrorist as an excuse to get rid of them, you’re just a generic conquerer, and a liar on top.

                • @Carrolade
                  18 months ago

                  Yes, terrorists do do those things. But some collateral damage is one thing. All the possible collateral damage is genocide. If Netanyahu tries to drive all the Palestinians away, he has become as bad as what the Jewish people fled.

                  Just because some bad people are doing bad things does not give you an excuse to drop bombs on everyone. That is no good.

                  You do not want to become just as bad as what you hate, doing whatever it takes. Or you become them. A good person must try harder.