After fleeing Hitler, brilliant Jewish economist Karl Polanyi was never welcomed by the British. Now, for the first time in 80 years, his masterwork The Great Transformation has been be published in the UK

  • @ChicoSuave
    157 months ago

    Capitalist oligarchs want a system based on having money to pay for education, health care, childcare, etc. Each part of our lives will have a price tag and only the rich will be free to live as they want - the rest of us are tied to their decisions and will accept the scraps given to us.

    Part of their plan is to dismantle the education system and make everyone too stupid to know how we lived and how much we are being abused.

    • @MehBlah
      87 months ago

      Its working. My daughter is a teacher now and it seems like they don’t want kids to read. Far to worried about getting sued for giving bad grades.