That one on the left looks super useful.

  • @beebarfbadger
    38 months ago

    If movies and right-wing propaganda have taught me one thing: forget about knowledge, facts and expertise, if you really want something to be true, and it benefits Donald Trump, then it IS now true!

    • Flying SquidOP
      38 months ago

      I would not be at all surprised if you asked Trump if neanderthals lived in North America, rather than say he didn’t know like he should, he’d come up with some long-winded bullshit about it as if he knew what he was talking about. And get everything wrong.

      • @beebarfbadger
        38 months ago

        And then the entire billionaire-controlled propaganda industry behind him would jump in and start inventing reasons why AKTSCHUALLY, what he said was right all along, not what all those high-falutin’ elitist leftist “experts” were spending their lives researching.