“Jimmy Dore is outrageous and outraged, bothersome and bothered. A crucial, profane, passionate voice for progressives and free-thinkers in 21st century America. Jimmy will anger you if you’re a conservative and enrage you if you’re a liberal.”—Patton Oswalt

  • @jimmydoreisaleftyOPM
    214 days ago

    Here ya go!

    Summary 1:

    1. Jeffrey Sachs educates Piers Morgan on the US’s history of overthrowing governments and instigating wars
    2. Minsk 2 agreement was disregarded by the US government, showing a lack of trustworthiness
    3. Sachs calls out the US as the real warmongers, not Russia or China
    4. Pierce Morgan’s childlike understanding of international news is exposed by Sachs

    Summary 2:

    1. Jeffrey Sachs explains international news to Piers Morgan
    2. Sachs criticizes US bombing of Belgrade, war in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, and Libya
    3. US overthrew Yanukovich in Kiev in 2014 contrary to an agreement with the EU
    4. Minsk 2 agreement was unanimously adopted by the UN Security Council and signed by Ukraine but laughed at by the US government
    5. Sachs wants both sides to sit down and agree on terms to end the war in Ukraine
    6. Sachs does not trust the US government
    7. Morgan frames Sachs as accepting Putin’s world view

    Summary 23:

    1. Jeffrey Sachs exposes the US government’s pattern of overthrowing governments and instigating wars, highlighting the need for accountability and peace agreements
    2. The dismissal of the Minsk 2 agreement by the US government reveals a lack of commitment to international treaties and a disregard for diplomatic solutions
    3. Sachs’s critique of the US as the true warmongers challenges common narratives and calls for a reevaluation of global power dynamics
    • @Eheran
      114 days ago

      Ooof… Thank you. Boy am I glad I didn’t throw away my time.