What do you think about the new Z6 III features? The pre-release capture looks really interesting. I use Live Photos on my iPhone every so often to reselect the key photo. It doesn’t look like there’s an option to create gifs in camera from the pre-release capture photos. But I bet third party apps should be available.

  • @lecoban
    29 months ago

    Starting to wonder if it’s time to update my gear. D500 hold out here. Does Z6iii fit? What I keep wondering about is whether 24mpx is enough. Shall I wait for a z7iii or not, is it worth it.

    • @b34k
      29 months ago

      What are you doing with your photos? 24MP is more than enough for almost any format, except maybe the largest of prints. But you’d need to get good framing in camera, without as much room to crop.

      All indications are that Nikon won’t be making a Z7iii, so if you want more pixels I’d go Z8. They’re on sale for $500 off right now. Also if you run DX glass, or set to crop mode, you’ll get 20MP files, so fairly close to your d500 right now.

      • @lecoban
        19 months ago

        I (almost) never print, the advantage of the extra pixels would be the ability to crop significantly and still end with usable shots. Once I go full frame the plan would be to sell the old kit. A couple of my lenses indeed come from the d7000 days! The 50mm/1.8 IIRC.

    • @mickOP
      19 months ago

      It depends on what you need. 24Mp is plenty for my needs and higher pixel count than d500. The Z6 III is slightly smaller and lighter. Definitely an upgrade in all features.

      Are all your lenses DX format? If so, you’ll need to get new lenses as well.

      • @lecoban
        19 months ago

        Yes, I am a DX refugee. The D500 served me very well all these years but I feel it’s time to go full frame. This third gen from Nikon will probably be the one I will go for. I have used DX since the d90 days. I thought the next gen will give me not only the new tech and full frame but also in step up in pixels. I do tend to take a lot of urban pics. To your point I was also hoping for a truly compact/lightweight prosumer full frame mirrorless from Nikon.

        • @mickOP
          19 months ago

          When I had a DX camera, I sometimes felt a 35mm lens was too tight for urban photography and I didn’t have anything shorter. My Z6 with the 24-70mm is perfect. And the larger pixels on a full frame will give you better dynamic range.

          Are you pre-ordering or waiting for Black Friday sale?

          • @lecoban
            19 months ago

            Aiming for black Friday! No rush. Let’s see what the new owners report from the field over the next few months. The new z6 certainly looks solid, like the d500 in its day.

            • @mickOP
              19 months ago

              Same here. Looking forward to the reviews.