A botched geoengineering experiment to limit the amount of sunlight hitting Earth hasn’t dimmed donors’ enthusiasm for funding the research

The latest experiment was derailed earlier this month when local officials in Alameda, California, rejected a request by Washington researchers to restart a test to brighten clouds from the deck of a decommissioned aircraft carrier in San Francisco Bay.

Longtime Google executive Alan Eustace, who helped fund the University of Washington’s marine cloud brightening program, declined to comment on whether he would continue to support its solar geoengeering tests. Other people or groups backing the program did not respond to requests for comment.

They include the Larsen Lam Climate Change Foundation, which was established by cryptocurrency billionaire Chris Larsen and his wife, Lyna Lam; the Kissick Family Foundation launched by the late investor John Kissick; and the Cohler Charitable Fund of former Facebook executive Matt Cohler.

The program’s other supporters are inventor Armand Neukermans, venture capitalists Chris and Crystal Sacca, and software engineer Dan Scales.

    • @AA5B
      58 months ago

      Matrix did it intentionally as a weapon, Simpson did it as greed, but I don’t remember whether SnowPiercer had a reason

      Our goal is more positive, but certainly risky that we’ll do more harm than good. But at what point should we take that risk? How close are we to that point? Have we experimented enough on a small scale like this project, to have sufficient understanding of what we might decide we have to do?

    • lurch (he/him)
      38 months ago

      there was also a simpsons episode about burns blocking the sun so people need to use more of his nuclear generated electricity

    • @[email protected]
      38 months ago

      Almost. We just had a massive kick to AI tech, so if it ever becomes solar energy dependent we probably need to keep this project in our back pocket.