• @Aceticon
    119 months ago

    If you’re into magic treehouses in your books, you can ease the transition from kids books to adult books by going via the Fantasy genre.

    Granted, there will be more swords involved than in a kids book…

    • @RememberTheApollo_
      49 months ago

      The adult books in fantasy are just about as bad as regular fiction in regards to the image. There’s still war, rape, affairs, etc…just dressed up with magic and swords. Maybe the change of environment makes it seem more distant?

        • @RememberTheApollo_
          29 months ago

          Hah, yeah, I quit ASoIaF 3/4 of the way thru the series because I got sick of nothing but people walking all over the continent to be met by fights, death, and misery. All the political intrigue was gone. It read like even Martin didn’t know wth he wanted to do and was just stretching it out for money and time. After the first 3 or four books the thing sucked. I read The Expanse instead. Fantastic series.

      • @Aceticon
        9 months ago

        Even though I was a bit thonge in cheek in my post, there are a lot of great adult fantasy stories were nobody ever dies.