Probably the easiest and most boring of the relic grinds so far. This xpac the relics seem like an after thought. Where would you like to see the relic quests go? VC dungeons? New side content (I.e Eureka/Bozja? Eureka Orthos? Or stay at the time grind?

Just curious to hear other people’s thoughts.

  • Faroar
    2 years ago

    As a Shadowbringers baby, I believe I just miss it being connected to exploratory zone, or having a exploratory zone with other players in general. I don’t mind it it just being easy to get with tomes all and I think it’s really good for other players who don’t have time to sink into content. But I wish there was an alternative besides the tomes that’s connected to gameplay.

    I really really enjoyed Bozja, and my friend push me to explore eureka after, and found myself loving that too. The island’s fine but it doesn’t have the sense of community that I had found in either zones. And I was just getting really cool weapons on top of it.