Probably AI. Couldn’t find the author.

  • @mocha_lotsofmilk
    189 months ago

    Definitely AI, the characters on all the signs are complete nonsense. Well, most of them. Did okay with some of the basic hiragana, but otherwise it’s artifacted nonsense.

    • gl4d10
      99 months ago

      it’s honestly so fun to zoom in on this one, its like every texture is trying to be something while every Thing devolves into a funny mess of random shapes and colours, my favourites are the ‘food pictures’, and on the blue van, there is a bumper sticker on the left that looks like some kind of sad caveman peepo emote

    • modifier
      59 months ago

      Or the fact that the car on the left has two sideview mirrors on one side, seemingly at the expense of the car on the right, which we find has been left with none.