So, I have a python script I’d like to run from time to time from the CLI (on Linux) that resides inside a venv. What’s the recommended/intended way to do this?
Write a wrapper shell script and put it inside a $PATH-accessible directory that activates the virtual environment, runs the python script and deactivates the venv again? This seems a bit convoluted, but I can’t think of a better way.

  • @[email protected]
    28 months ago

    The convention

    That’s one convention. I don’t like it, I prefer to keep my venvs elsewhere. One reason is that it makes it simpler to maintain multiple venvs for a single project, using a different Python version for each, if I ever want to. It shouldn’t matter to anyone else, as it’s my environment, not some aspect of the shared repo. If I ever needed it there for some reason, I could always ln -s $VIRTUAL_ENV .venv.

    Learn pyenv

    I have used pyenv. It’s fine. These days I use mise instead, which I prefer. But neither of them dictate how I create and store venvs.

    Shell scripts within Python packages is depreciated

    I don’t understand if what you’re referencing relates to my comment.

    • @[email protected]
      18 months ago

      The multiple venv for different Python versions sounds exactly like what tox does

      Then setup a github action that does nightly builds. Which will catch issues caused by changes that only tested against one python version or on one platform

      py313 is a good version to test against cuz there were many modules removed or depreciated or APIs changed

      good luck. Hope some of my advice is helpful

      • @[email protected]
        28 months ago

        Thanks, yes, I use nox and github actions for automated environments and testing in my own projects, and tox instead of nox when it’s someone else’s project. But for ad hoc, local and interactive multiple environments, I don’t.

        • @[email protected]
          14 months ago

          Are you using github actions locally? Feel silly making gh actions and workflows and only github runs them

          • @[email protected]
            14 months ago

            No, I don’t use GHA locally, but the actions are defined to run the same things that I do run locally (e.g. invoke nox). I try to keep the GHA-exclusive boilerplate to a minimum. Steps can be like:

            - name: fetch code
              uses: actions/checkout@v4
            - uses: actions/setup-python@v5
                allow-prereleases: true
                python-version: |
            - run: pipx install nox
            - name: run ward tests in nox environment
              run: nox -s test test_without_toml combine_coverage --force-color
                PYTHONIOENCODING: utf-8
            - name: upload coverage data
              uses: codecov/codecov-action@v4
                files: ./coverage.json
                token: ${{ secrets.CODECOV_TOKEN }}

            Sometimes if I want a higher level interface to tasks that run nox or other things locally, I use taskipy to define them in my pyproject.toml, like:

            fmt = "nox -s fmt"
            lock = "nox -s lock"
            test = "nox -s test test_without_toml typecheck -p 3.12"
            docs = "nox -s render_readme render_api_docs"
            • @[email protected]
              14 months ago

              Thanks for the introduction to taskipy. Think if i need macros, Makefile is the way to go. Supports running targets in parallel and i like performing a check to ensure the virtual environment is activated or the command won’t run.

              .DEFAULT_GOAL := help
              SHELL := /bin/bash
              APP_NAME := logging_strict
              #virtual environment. If 0 issue warning
              #Not activated:0
              #activated: 1
              ifeq ($(VIRTUAL_ENV),)
              $(warning virtualenv not activated)
              is_venv =
              is_venv = 1
              VENV_BIN := $(VIRTUAL_ENV)/bin
              VENV_BIN_PYTHON := python3
              PY_X_Y := $(shell $(VENV_BIN_PYTHON) -c 'import platform; t_ver = platform.python_version_tuple(); print(".".join(t_ver[:2]));')
              .PHONY: mypy
              mypy:					## Static type checker (in strict mode)
              ifeq ($(is_venv),1)
              	@$(VENV_BIN_PYTHON) -m mypy -p $(APP_NAME)

              make mypy without the virtualenv on will write a warning message why it’s not working!

              • @[email protected]
                4 months ago

                Sure, but nox is the closer counterpart for in-venv-task definitions. List “sessions” with -l, pick specific sessions to run with -s.

                import nox
                from nox.sessions import Session
                nox.options.reuse_existing_virtualenvs = True
                APP_NAME = 'logging_strict'
                def mypy(session: Session):
                    """Static type checker (in strict mode)"""
                    session.install('-U', 'mypy', '.')
          'mypy',  '-p', APP_NAME, *session.posargs)

                Unfortunately it doesn’t currently do any parallel runs, but if anyone wants to track/encourage/contribute in that regard, see nox#544.