Note I did not buy any food for myself.

To head off questions:

  1. No, I couldn’t cook for her. I’m suffering from a long-term illness where I can’t eat solid foods and am extremely smell sensitive. My wife is at a funeral, so I had to order food.

  2. She’s extremely picky and refused to let me order anything but pizza.

  3. We live outside of town, in a not very big town, with very few pizza delivery options, and they’re all at least this expensive.

  4. No, I didn’t also have to buy her the cheesy bread or the second topping or the sauces, but it’s nice to get my daughter a treat and that is no excuse for the order being that expensive.

  5. We’re in Indiana, so this should be ludicrous in terms of pricing. This used to be the pricing I would expect when we lived in L.A. and ordered from a good local place rather than a chain.

Edit: Turns out what I should have been infuriated about is people repeatedly telling me to get takeout and having to repeatedly explain why that wasn’t an option, having people not believe I’m sick, and being repeatedly berated for not magically knowing food coupons exist on the internet when I never order food on the internet. Oh right, and also being a bad parent for not forcing food my daughter doesn’t like down her throat or starving her if she won’t eat it.

By the way, I have another thing to be infuriated about. A huge storm came in and this happened to our trees. I assume I will start being berated for not cutting them down before that happened, but because I have no power or internet at home and have to go to the library to post, your further posts telling me what an idiot I am and how I’m an awful parent and how I’m not really sick will take me a while to read. Sorry to ruin your day. Maybe you’ll find someone else to treat like shit.

Anyway, have fun telling me I’m the worst person on Lemmy, just don’t expect a quick reply.

Oh, and do tell me how stupid I am for not knowing that people who clear up and fix such damage have coupons on their website.

  • @StaySquared
    8 months ago

    You are the parent of your daughter… yet she dictates to you what she eats?

    There’s your problem to begin with. You know what happened when I refused to eat what my mother made? Dealt with it… by not eating anything.

    Yeah yeah here comes the downvotes from non-parents and parents who don’t know how to parent.

    Also, thanks Biden. The economy is doing GRRRRRREAAT!


    • @[email protected]
      108 months ago

      A child with agency?!? Making decisions?!?? Not in MY white fright dystopia they wont!! I was abused and therefore I am entitled to abuse any child I see, because I am a child in my mind! Why would I ever address my own deficiencies when I have a political figure to scapegoat every decade or so?

      • @StaySquared
        -118 months ago

        I’m Latino, wife is Arab… we are not the same as you gringos. Your child has authority over you, we have authority over our children. This is the way.

        Stay salty.

        • @Holyginz
          108 months ago

          Children obeying you because they are afraid of being beaten isn’t having authority over them. Its abuse, but sure, fall back on racism to feel superior.

          • @StaySquared
            8 months ago

            Someone should have called you out for claiming, I used, “beating” or that my children are afraid in general of me and or their mother… Instead you got upvotes… dafuq is wrong with your reading comprehension? You high? Too much my little pony?

            • @Holyginz
              78 months ago

              Sure sure, keep going. You are TOTALLY getting back at me. Go on, keep trying the tough guy act. If nothing else it’s amusing.

    • @FarmTaco
      98 months ago


    • Flying SquidOP
      8 months ago

      Intentionally denying food to a child is child abuse. So I hope you are a non-parent if that is how you think you should treat children.

      Edit: Oh wait, I forgot, I’m the abusive parent here.

      • @Holyginz
        58 months ago

        It’s a troll. I doubt they have a kid or married based on their responses. And if they do I feel bad for them. Most of the time if the comment is overly antagonistic they just want to get a rise out of someone since their life is empty and it’s the only way they can feel a spark of enjoyment in their life. You have done literally nothing wrong here and you don’t owe anyone an explanation.

          • @Holyginz
            48 months ago

            Absolutely. I am not very good at it myself, but the best way to deal with these people is to ignore them. Without attention they get bored and do other stuff. Either that or you fight their nasty by being nasty in return. But they have no shame so you kind of have to sink to their level. I will admit I do that from time to time myself to release steam, but its not great for your mental state to do it a lot. Sorry about the ton of unsolicited advice, I just hate seeing it when trolls are tormenting people about things they have no business talking about.

      • @StaySquared
        8 months ago

        Intentionally? No… they have two options. Eat was has been made or don’t. It is THEIR decision. lmao “child abuse”. Goodness that’s weak af.

        • Flying SquidOP
          8 months ago

          How would you like it if someone said to you, eat this thing you can’t stand or go hungry? Because that’s the choice you’re giving. Eat something that makes them feel sick and disgusted or starve.

          People are allowed to not like certain foods. Why do you think it’s acceptable to give any human being the choice to eat what you want them to eat or don’t eat? That’s literally how they punish prisoners. Look up nutraloaf.

          • @StaySquared
            -78 months ago

            If the food is literally giving them sickness, that’s one thing. Tell me, are parents in African tribes abusing their children when they give their children only two options, eat or don’t? How about parents in war torn nations? I’m not giving my kids the luxury, that’s not how many of us around the world, outside of the Western world roll.

    • @madcaesar
      -18 months ago

      You were making a good point then went batshit 🤷‍♂️