• @chakan2
    103 months ago

    This was in response to me saying that I think our technology and care are pretty good

    The kicker to all this…it’s not. Our healthcare is absolute ass compared to the rest of the world. The only thing we’re ahead on right now is erection pill and weight loss drugs.

    If you end up with cancer or a moderately complex injury, you’re fucked. Good luck on that lead time to see a specialist.

    • @1371113
      3 months ago

      It’s like that everywhere. The US is not an outlier. You need quality education systems in place as well or you can’t educate your future medical professionals. This is how democracy dies. Undereducated sickly populace will vote for whoever comes off the top rope with the funniest/angriest shit. We were sunk as soon as education funding cuts began worldwide. Early 90s in my country, probably similar elsewhere.