• MamboGator
    393 days ago

    I asked a friend who is into comics this same question years ago and was told that when Hulk ripped Wolverine in half and tossed the lower half up a mountain, the upper half had to crawl up the mountain to rejoin with the lower half in order to heal. Not sure if that’s accurate so feel free to correct me, but that’s what I was told.

    • @GuerillaGorillas
      243 days ago

      That did happen, however it was in the old Ultimate universe where powers can differ so might work differently in the main 616 universe.

      • MamboGator
        43 days ago

        Ah, gotcha. Thanks for clarifying. I did read some of the original Ultimate X-Men but didn’t get that far.

    • @[email protected]
      143 days ago

      He did that but because regrowing to himself was quicker than regrowing legs over a longer period of time and he had a Hulk to fight.

      • @RaoulDook
        33 days ago

        OK so what if Wolverine cut off his dick, and grew a new one back quickly, could he then cut off the head and attach the old dick to double its length? I’m wondering if he could extend his dick infinitely that way… could be a new superpower of the long dick whip weapon, terrifying to many of his enemies

        • @[email protected]
          22 days ago

          Honestly probably but also I think his body has a like level it has to fill. I think it would reach his dick length and then grow the tip and stop