
moneyless socialist utopia

I mean, we all know that’s what it is, but I’m pretty sure that’s the first time they’ve said it straight out in universe. And then the plot reminds of it several times as that very thing is put in danger.

      • Eva!
        22 years ago

        I will argue that the Disco bit is more intended to add some subtext that outlines Admiral Vance’s thoughts than just “haha we eat poop.”

        I read it as tiredness on Vance’s part-- a sort of signal that yes, in some ways the quality of life under the Emerald Chain is better than the sterile closed environment of the UFP’s remnant. Contrast this with Osyraa’s statement about how she has real apples. He chooses the Federation’s integrity when it comes down to it, but he was genuinely considering throwing the Federation’s legitimacy behind the Chain.

    • Sammydee
      32 years ago

      @Reva @OsakaWilson If there’s war, there are refugees. If there are refugees there are wealth discrepancies. If there are wealth discrepancies there will be commerce (under the table or over). If there is commerce there will be money. Seems pretty unavoidable. The Galaxy can be a utopia or it can have war, but it can’t have both. Star Trek has war, therefore… :)