Happens about 20mins after I wake up.

Image transcription:

Random npc spongebob fish character looking miserable holding a cup during a sunset and another overlayed image of the same guy on the left with the same look.

It is captioned with:

When you already checked your usual 5 apps and don’t know what else to do with your day:

  • @[email protected]
    8 months ago

    I had to move to a country with a more introverted culture than the one I grew up in (not the US), and I’ve struggled finding friends to spend my free time with so far, so I spend it on apps :-( They really are just a last resort and I’d much rather spend my time with actual people like in the olden days :-/

    • @Num10ck
      68 months ago

      sign up for a class/activity, wear a conversation piece.

      • Blastboom StriceOP
        58 months ago

        Smart move the latter, ~didn’t think it.

        About the former, I recently realized in practice that it’s important to pick up activities etc. that you like and that attract people you can bond with. For example I like weightlefting at gym, but I realized it attracts so many people with repulsive ideologies, while I tried dancing and mobility classes the same gym offers and the environment was much much better, I found many good people there. (I still do weightlifting though and I found some good people there too.)

        Plus, voicing your opinions helps a lot to filter people (I’m struggling a lot with this though).

        • @[email protected]
          8 months ago

          Plus, voicing your opinions helps a lot to filter people (I’m struggling a lot with this though).

          This is massive. “Filtering” is the perfect way to put it. If you don’t risk saying something potentially disagreeable, then no one will ever know who you are.

          That goes for both repulsive and inclusive ideologies, I guess, but I definitely prefer the latter (this is an example of one of your “filtering” statements - now spectators to this conversation know I value inclusivity).

    • @PrimeMinisterKeyes
      08 months ago

      Join some Whatsapp group that piques your interest and meet with them IRL. I wouldn’t have thought that drinking beer and shooting the shit with total strangers could be so much fun, but here we are.

      • @[email protected]
        8 months ago

        Haha that’s a good idea. It’s facebook groups over where I am but I will give it a try. I have heard some do meetups