Roasting with the Itop Skywalker roaster. This is a level of control I’m not used to lol.
The auto charge didnt work so accidentally hit the button too late.
Also I have no idea how to get rid of the notes.
How’s it look?

  • @KammicRelief
    19 months ago

    Very cool! Glad to hear it. I’ve always imagined I’d move on to a FreshRoast after my popper kicks the bucket (or when I get tired of it), but, I’ll do a little more research on this one too. Looks relatively affordable for the feature set.

    • @OsirisOP
      29 months ago

      I started with the fresh roast, good starter roaster but once you go over 250g, even with an extension tube its rough.
      I really liked the bocaboca but for the price the Skywalker kinda blows it out of the water